• info.mlc.limited@gmail.com
  • + 880 1781-078563

Establishing the next level of eye care

MLC- Meditec Life Care Ltd. is a trusted partner in ophthalmic diagnostics, offering physicians fast, easy-to-use, and reliable tools for diagnosis of glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration (AMD). Our devices cover automated fundus imaging systems, perimeters, and intra ocular lens.

OPTIFLEX TRIO Intraocular Lenses

OPTIFLEX TRIO intraocular lenses are Trifocal and Trifocal Toric hydrophobic lenses. They are aspheric, foldable, single-piece posterior chamber IOLs designed to ensure optimal optical performance. These lenses reduce spectacle dependency, providing enhanced vision at near, intermediate, and distant ranges. Made with advanced hydrophobic material, they offer durability, reduced glare, and improved contrast sensitivity. The innovative design ensures seamless adaptation for patients, contributing to an improved quality of life.


We are always here to serve you some awesome Products

Eidon Basic True Color Confocal Camera

iCare EIDON widefield TrueColor Confocal fundus imaging system

Eidon AF True Color Confocal Camera

iCare EIDON AF blue autofluorescence confocal fundus imaging system

Eidon FA True Color Confocal Camera

iCare EIDON FA fluorescein angiography confocal fundus imaging system

DRS Plus True Color Confocal Camera

DRSplus fundus imaging system with TrueColor Confocal Technology

Compass Fundus Automated Perimetry

COMPASS Automated Perimeter with Active Retinal Tracking


Aspheric Hydrophobic Monofocal Natural Yellow Foldable IOL


Preloaded Monofocal Hydrophobic Aspheric (Natural Yellow) Foldable Intraocular Lens


Trifocal Hydrophobic Aspheric Foldable Intraocular Lens


All our latest news are listed below

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