• info.mlc.limited@gmail.com
  • + 880 1781-078563

Adam Wylegala, Railway Hospital,

Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

From a user perspective, the Eidon Icare automatic fundus camera is designed to be easy to use and efficient. The camera is operated through a touch-screen interface, which makes it easy to navigate through the different settings and options.

Prof. Giuseppe Querques

University Vita Salute, Milan, Italy

Images from fundus photography have a critical role in guiding treatment decisions and the confocal true color images from the EIDON platform provide a natural perception of the retina’s appearance that represents vital information in my daily practice.

Dr. Alberto Piatti

ASLTO5 Oculistica Distrettuale, Moncalieri, Italy

DRSplus is an efficient and easy-to-use device, that can be used with a wide range of patients. It is an extremely versatile device. It can be used from different type of operators: ophthalmologists,
diabetologists, nurses or optometrists.

Giovanni Staurenghi

MD (Luigi Sacco Hospital, Milano, Italy)

EIDON, three best ways to obtain:

Infrared light images to detect what is invisible to the human eye
Confocal optical engine for getting sharp images with better visualization of details
Confocal white light technology to get real color images through a small pupil

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